Thursday, January 26, 2017

Today I Went Outside

Hello, Internet! 'Tis me, Samantha.

I had an adventure today.

I am not that proud of my adventure. Let's just say it involved a bird.

Detail below the cut.

                                                           My Outdoors Outfit!                                                                               

So I was outside with my big person. So this stupid bird decides to go, "BAWWK! BAWWK!" It was quite annoying to hear that when I was taking a nice walk. This was getting into my enjoying of the tiny peace, tiny relaxation of the realization of the beautiful, tiny leaves, calling for spring. Oh darn, time for me to write a poem.

The poetic leaves shivered from the slight cold,

they called for spring.
They have the tiniest hope, 
Waiting for a summer long away.
They sit in a shadow, they dance in the day.
And the summer love only seems a sentence away.
What love is it that it always goes away?
Why do they disappear once winter owns the night and day?
I call for them, but then no grow.
I wonder why, like how a boat must row.
My head cannot understand
How we got to the fall of man,
Why do we hide inside,
Our eyes glued to the light inside?
What happened to idle chatter,
Or the careful watching of a leaf falling.
We seem to think time has stilled,
But it goes on outside our worlds.
I quietly wait for the poetic leaves to call to me, 
But it seems I must call to them.
For the bane of our existence is not their fault,
But we can repair,
What once was man's rise.

And you see why I'm not allowed to write poetry on blogs. I could go much further.

But I am not that wrong.


I was talking with my big person, and Mr. Bawk the Bird was, well, bawking.
He pooped on my head!
I am fine now,
But curse that bird.

~President SamSam

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Day I Went to Fifth Grade

Hello, Beautiful Peoples of The Internet! My name is Samantha and today I have had an adventure. I went to fifth grade. And believe me, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Since my big person's fifth grade is online, it was a slightly different experience. DISCLAIMER BANNER HERE
So I got up as usual and I put on my favorite dress. I'm sorry I don't have a picture! But it's pink and lace and white roses. Very pretty. Anyways, I velcroed my shoes and my hair was done. You know the half a ponytail style where it's flat with the hair right underneath? That style. 

Soon, it was time for me to go. I did vocabulary. Who has time for that? If I want a word, I own a dictionary, so why did I have to learn this? Miss Smartypants, my big person, said, "So you look educated and don't have to carry around a dictionary 24/7." I don't understand either, random people of the internet.

Next, it was time for spelling. I don't get that either. People still write using pen and paper with technology? Won't I just get corrected? Miss Smartypants said, "People sometimes still write, and it looks bad when you handwrite a business letter with spelling errors." Now, WHY would I need to write a business letter the world will never know.

Then it was time for literature. Can't I just use online CliffsNotes? Really? Apparently, they now purposely use questions that you can't find in CliffsNotes. Miss Smartypants has the apparent answer, "But that's not reading. That's cheating.". But why would you want to, say, read an 800-page book that is exceedingly boring but so apparently important to my education that I have to read the darn thing?

We also did arithmetic, which I found to be stupid. We have calculators now! Why do math? It takes meticulous neatness and pains the hands. I have no clue why this subject even exists!

Well, that was my adventure today, so I draw to close. 0/10 but have to go again.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Heylo! An Introduction!

Hello! I am Sammy! This is my blog. I will be telling of my adventures. I have a sorta hectic life for a doll, but I love it! 

I'll be just blogging.

Sorry, it's so short! Nothing happened today. Over and out!

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes, child and indoor
