Sunday, February 12, 2017

Hai! Willow In Da House!

Hello! I am an Our Generation doll. My name is Willow Amelia Grace. Some people think my name is weird, but I honestly love it. I am the cousin of Samantha, your original blog owner. Now, we're going to do it together. See, I love Sam, but we had to become bunkmates. And here is why. You see, my Mum got me into this mess. She has extremely curly hair, and light green eyes, and naturally arch-y eyebrows. My father had the same color hair, but it was stick straight and he had turquoise eyes. I have turquoise eyes, and wavy hair. 

Anyways, back to the story. A guy named Carlos Sancho Montoya was running a Ponzi Scheme, he was selling diamond bracelets, using the 'business' to launder money for the cartels, and was running a Ponzi Scheme for 5 years. So, my mom had to sell diamond bracelets and also recruit people who would do the same job as her. Finally, someone she recruited named Joseph Smith Jones caught on, called the police and put him in jail for 20 years! But, he had stole all my Mom's money and gave it to the cartels, and so right now we have no money.

We're going to be here for at least 6 months anyways, because of witness protection. Though, we're going to be here a while, because we want to move in next door, so I'll still be writing. 

Me and Sam will do an FAQ next time!

~Willow Amelia Grace

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